Hi there!

I’m slowly working towards some simplicity within the home, but hey! It’s a lot of hard work!

I love having a go at growing my own veges and always use herbs fresh from my garden. I try to plant from seed whenever I can and have learnt to save and share my own seed for the following year. I make Award Winning preserves and pickles; and my husband brews Award Winning boutique beers as well. I love to stockpile and try to limit quick trips to the shops. I dabble in bread making and enjoy making my own stocks too.

I enjoy feeding my family good hearty meals, nothing like those tiny restaurant stacks you have to look for on the plate. My husband maintains our vehicles and machinery and we both enjoy fabricating on a small scale mostly relying on metal & timber recyclers for any materials needed.

While I don’t always have time to reply to comments, I love reading them. I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope you learn something new because I love sharing what I learn, and I'm always looking for another new skill myself.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rhubarb & Ginger Jam

Yesterday I mentioned that I was making for the first time a Rhubarb & Ginger Jam. Well I have to tell you I was as surprised as Mum when we tasted it. Mum's first reaction was, "Wow, we should have been making that years ago!" So there you go! It is really delicious. The only problem now is that it didn't make enough. Because of the surprisingly delicious flavour of this jam, I am going to be making more for the stockpile.

Rhubarb & Ginger Jam

More Rhubarb recipes to come....Next.....Rhubarb & Mint Jelly................................


  1. Could be a good xmas hamper treat! I've done rhubarb and apple jam but like the sound of the ginger addition. yes more rhubarb recipes please!

  2. I've had rhubarb and apple before Narelle but that sounds gorgeous.


  3. Your jam looks delicious. Do you put the jam in a canner or do you let the heat of the jars make the seal or do you use wax.

  4. Hi, my name is Janice, I just posted as anonymous. I hate doing that but for some rea son blogger isn't accepting my google account. Weird.

  5. Looks delicious and love the way you've 'shared' the recipe. I'd be interested to know the book details though so I can check if our library has it or buy it if I want.

  6. Thanks for posting all those pics for us. We don't have a lot of luck growing rhubarb here. I'm going to watch out for it in the shops and make that jam!
    I love your cool idea of photographing the pages of the recipe book.



  7. That looks delish! How many jars did you end up with?

  8. Kirsty: I think I will try that Rhubarb and Apple Jam, the combination seems to be a very popular one. Yes, I need to make more for it to work in Christmas baskets.

    Claire: Thanks for the recipe. I've also found a Rhubarb & Coconut Slice I might give a go.
    Janice: I don't normally water bath my preserves, and didn't this time and they all sealed, but you must use sterilised glass jars and pour it straight from the stove while really hot. Place the lid on tightly and allow to cool.

    Robyn: Taking a photo of the recipe sure beats typing it all out..It's not very comp friendly, but it looks good. I will be adding a photo of the book in my next post.

    Dell: That's great, let me know how your Jam works out.

    Lisa: I only had the six jars that are in the photo. So you see why I need to make more...lol

  9. I was looking at that book the other day. You would recommend it?

  10. Hi newlygreen, Yes, I sure would recommend it. $5 with all those recipes.....you can't go wrong.


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