Hi there!

I’m slowly working towards some simplicity within the home, but hey! It’s a lot of hard work!

I love having a go at growing my own veges and always use herbs fresh from my garden. I try to plant from seed whenever I can and have learnt to save and share my own seed for the following year. I make Award Winning preserves and pickles; and my husband brews Award Winning boutique beers as well. I love to stockpile and try to limit quick trips to the shops. I dabble in bread making and enjoy making my own stocks too.

I enjoy feeding my family good hearty meals, nothing like those tiny restaurant stacks you have to look for on the plate. My husband maintains our vehicles and machinery and we both enjoy fabricating on a small scale mostly relying on metal & timber recyclers for any materials needed.

While I don’t always have time to reply to comments, I love reading them. I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope you learn something new because I love sharing what I learn, and I'm always looking for another new skill myself.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I got mentioned.

I happened to be looking at another blog I like to read called Green Change and I was gob-smacked when I seen that I got mentioned.......thanks for the credit and link Darren. 

Darren writes :

here are some posts that have caught my attention recently:
  • Jason posted about his fruit tree swales, giving me more ideas for my swales. He also left a very detailed and well-thought out comment on my post – thanks!
  • I ‘met’ (via email, through another new friend) nellymary, another local Illawarra blogger. She posts a lot of great info about simple living, frugality, gardening, preserving, bread- and cheese-making, stockpiling, fishing and more. Check her stuff out at Just Like My Nan Made (great blog name, by the way!).
  • More tinyhouse fantasising, this time looking at the incredibly well-crafted Innermost House.
  • The New York Times reports that the US is seeing increasing interest in farming as a career for younger people, although they don’t seem to be pursuing the industrial model. Instead they’re getting into the local, organic, specialty side of things.
  • The idea of wind knitting is kind of cool - using wind power to run mechanical knitting machines.
from one Illawarra Blogger to another....keep up the great work.

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